We always welcome new members. Benefits of membership include a reduced entry fee at our own club shows. If you are interested in joining, please complete the details below and return it to the Hon Secretary.
I/We would like to join the South Wales Papillon Club. If this application is accepted I/we agree to abide by the rules of the club.
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Postcode: _________________ Country: _________________________
Tel. No: ________________________ Affix: _________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Signature(s): ________________________________________ Date: ______________
Proposer and Seconder must be fully paid up members of the South Wales Papillon Club
Proposed by: _________________________ Seconded by: ________________________
Signature: ___________________________ Signature: __________________________
Date: _______________________________ Date: ______________________________
This information will be kept on a computer database and will be disclosed to the Kennel Club and our printers. If you do not agree to this please tick this box [ ]
Fees for 2012
: Single £5.00 Joint: (2 People only): £7.50
Sunsciptions run from January To December and are due 1st January each year.
Please return the application form and cheque to:
Hon Secretary:
Mr Len Stanbury, 2 Sowton Barton Farm Cottages, Sowton Village, Exeter, Devon EX5 2AF
Tel: 01392 369759 Email:
Click Here To Contact The Secretary
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